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The mask is worn long became my skin *面具戴久了便成了我的皮肤*

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 10-20

阅读 :130

The mask is worn long became my skin *面具戴久了便成了我的皮肤*


上海同城419 The mask is worn long became my skin *面具戴久了便成了我的皮肤*

Without you I cried as a smile (没了你我把哭当成了笑)

上海同城419 Once all, lost became a joke. 曾经的一切,失去了就成了一个玩笑。

上海同城419 The mask is worn long became my skin *面具戴久了便成了我的皮肤*

上海同城419 "The suspicion that all care to have an ulterior motive" “猜忌让所有关心都成了别有用心”

Without you I cried as a smile。没了你我把哭当成了笑。

Without you I cried as a smile.没了你我把哭当成了笑。 [] Love is my part, but I love you is true. 情话都是我瞎编的 可我爱你却是真的

Some people still do not know the name, it has become a worry .(有的人还不知名字,就已经成了心事)

“别人对你说过最违心的话是什么”“说我长得丑” [] You go for a long time. Are you all right 你离开也够久了 你还好吗

ithout you I cried as a smile. 没了你我把哭当成了笑。

下一篇:I dreamed about him last night.              【我昨晚又梦到他了 599】 下一篇 【方向键 ( → )下一篇】上海同城419

上一篇:Every girl has the right to be loved, the right has nothing to do with looks 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】