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[ We just laugh and conceal sadness ] 我们只是用欢笑掩饰悲伤.

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 02-10

阅读 :92

[ We just laugh and conceal sadness ] 我们只是用欢笑掩饰悲伤.


上海同城419 Even if faking tough and cowardly. 即使费尽心力掩饰怯懦胆小。

Sometimes,I just need someone to talk to. 有时候,我只是需要一个可以说话的人。英文签名 I'm forced to fake,I force a smile, with every day [我强迫去假装,以后的每一天,我都会强颜欢笑。]

No tem desenfreada rir, chorar, no triste .不需要肆无忌惮的欢笑,也不要撕心裂肺的哭.泣.

I can fake a smile go back to the wild.我可以强颜欢笑,再度狂野.

No tem desenfreada rir, chorar, no triste .不需要肆无忌惮的欢笑,也不要撕心裂肺的哭.泣.

上海同城419 No tem desenfreada rir, chorar, no triste .不需要肆无忌惮的欢笑,也不要撕心裂肺的哭.泣.

You can fake a smile, but you can not fake your feelings. 你可以强颜欢笑,但你无法欺骗自己

[ We just laugh and conceal sadness ] 我们只是用欢笑掩饰悲伤.

上海同城419 I can fake a smile go back to the wild.我可以强颜欢笑,再度狂野.

上海同城419 In fact, I would like to say that I just like to say with a smile.其实我很介意 只是喜欢笑着说没关系

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