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You remember to smile every day chasing the sun 你要记得每天微笑追着太阳跑

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 03-20

阅读 :123

You remember to smile every day chasing the sun 你要记得每天微笑追着太阳跑


You said you want to go then don't look back 你说你要走 那就别回头

上海同城419 He's already left 他已离开英文签名 No can no die why you try.不作死不会死,为何你要尝试》

No can no die why you try.不作死不会死,为何你要尝试》

No end of story too much You want to used to encounter and leave.故事的结尾太多了你要用来相遇和离开

How do you want me to forget. You give my memories 你要我怎么去忘记 你给我的回忆

上海同城419 You want to be happy, was vain I embarrassed exit.你要过得幸福,才不枉费我狼狈退出。

You have to believe me, I will always love you.你要相信、我会一直好好爱你的。

No end of story too much You want to used to encounter and leave 没有结局的故事太多,你要习惯相遇与离

上海同城419 Bad excuses are worse than none. 狡辩比不解释更糟 [] Time is we do not come loose.【时光不老,我们不散】英文签名 You said you want to go then don't look back———你说你要走 那就别回头

You said you want to go then don't look back 你说你要走 那就别回头

下一篇:In fact, I would like to say that I just like to say with a smile. 下一篇 【方向键 ( → )下一篇】上海同城419

上一篇:Don't go too far afield or you'll get lost.【别走得太远,要不然你会迷路的.】 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】