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Active long will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash!主动久了会很累, 在乎久会崩溃

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 03-26

阅读 :95

Active long will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash!主动久了会很累, 在乎久会崩溃


上海同城419 I love you for long time 我喜欢你很久了。

(其实我很在乎你)In fact_ I care about you

上海同城419 Ireallycareaboutyou 我真的很在乎你

上海同城419 Please let me see you to my care请让我看到你对我的在乎

上海同城419 A true friend is a hand to help your and touches your heart ~ ~英文签名 Can not think of such a long time, I still dream of you. 想不到这么久了我还是会梦到你

上海同城419 如果有人天天唠叨你,你应该感到幸福,因为有人在乎你。

(其实我很在乎你)In fact_ I care about you

上海同城419 The mask is worn long became my skin *面具戴久了便成了我的皮肤*

上海同城419 I understand. I just do not care. 我明白,只是,我不在乎。

Save your heart for someone who cares. 把心留给在乎你的人吧。