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i want to be your sun around you(我想成为你的太阳包围着你)

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 06-04

阅读 :80

i want to be your sun around you(我想成为你的太阳包围着你)


上海同城419 The simple is that I think you, the difficulty is that we are not together. 简单的是我想你,困难的是

Come back to me I miss you. 回来吧我想你了

上海同城419 I want to do that you sad when the first thought of people . 我想做那个你难过时第一个想起的人

上海同城419 I want you to be happy. But I want to be the reason. 我想要你幸福,但我希望我是你幸福的原因。

I want to know you.我想认识你

上海同城419 All the tears the moment, I think it is all about you, 所有热泪盈眶的瞬间 我想起来的都是你

I never told you, I wanna hold you。(我从未告诉你,我想拥抱你)

All the tears the moment, I think it is all about you, 所有热泪盈眶的瞬间 我想起来的都是你

上海同城419 you are my everyday 我想你最初的容貌。

I want to go to see you then hug you. 我想去看你然后拥抱你。

下一篇:Laugh eyes and lie face [ 会笑的眼和说谎的脸] 下一篇 【方向键 ( → )下一篇】

上一篇:The Stranger Was Actually Warm Noun|陌生人竟是温暖的名词| 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】