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How can you be brave if only wondeiful things happen to you? (如果只有美好的事情发生,你还怎么坚强?

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 06-13

阅读 :63

How can you be brave if only wondeiful things happen to you? (如果只有美好的事情发生,你还怎么坚强?


上海同城419 You mean you haven't really let me down.你的意思是你还没有让我失望过了.


I like to be strong, but I am not a superman. 我喜欢坚强的样子但我始终不是超人。

你还要我怎样祝你幸福吗 那么 祝你幸福

Do you still like the one you like for a long time. 你还喜欢那个你喜欢了很久的人么


上海同城419 She only remembered that she had to be strong, but she was just a girl.她只记得她必须坚强 却忘了她也

We are still young, maybe you will be with me in the end. 我们还很年轻 说不定最后你还是会和我在一起

上海同城419 Thanked you to come, was very regrettable you to get out of the way. 谢谢你曾经来过很遗憾你还是走了

上海同城419 我们国家的名字真的很美 China :Come here i need accompany (来这 我需要陪伴)英文签名 Si après six mois tu m'aimes encore, alors on est ensemble如果半年以后你还爱着我,那我们就在一起

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