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You are my pretty sunshine

分类: 英文签名 签名词典 编辑 : 签名大全 发布 : 06-13

阅读 :56

You are my pretty sunshine


上海同城419 You are my sunshine , Is my distant light.你是我的太阳,是我遥不可及的光。

上海同城419 A girl should be like a butterfly. Pretty to see, hard to catch. 女生应该像蝴蝶一样,看着很美,却难以捕捉。

上海同城419 I choose you 我需要你英文签名 You are my sunshine,Is my distant light.

上海同城419 Who is my Sunshine?

You are sunshine,Is my distantlight.你是我的太阳遥不可及的光。

上海同城419 Cheer up! After rain comes always sunshine. 振作起来,雨过总会天晴。

You are my pyetty sunshine.

Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see a shadow. [心若向阳,无谓悲伤]

you are my pretty sunshine of my life

上海同城419 You Are My Sunshine。(你是我的阳光)

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